Undergraduate Students
  • West Crest
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  • WTO In 02
Room information
Spaces Room Type Room Code Occupancy 2025-2026 Rate / Person
39 One-bedroom 1B2P Two person $7,245/Semester
13 Two-bedroom, single bedroom 2B3P-SGLE One person $7,610/Semester
26 Two-bedroom. double bedroom 2B3P-DBLE Two person $6,650/Semester
216 Two-bedroom 2B4P Four person $6,435/Semester
Spaces39Room TypeOne-bedroomRoom Code1B2POccupancyTwo personRate / Person$7,245/Semester
Spaces13Room TypeTwo-bedroom, single bedroomRoom Code2B3P-SGLEOccupancyOne personRate / Person$7,610/Semester
Spaces26Room TypeTwo-bedroom. double bedroomRoom Code2B3P-DBLEOccupancyTwo personRate / Person$6,650/Semester
Spaces216Room TypeTwo-bedroomRoom Code2B4POccupancyFour personRate / Person$6,435/Semester
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Floor Plan
USC offers a wide-variety of floor plans. This floor plan is typical, though the actual layout and dimensions will vary among buildings that share this plan. Where the exact plan for a room type was not available, the closest approximation was used. Some items shown are for decorative purposes and not included in the room or apartment.
Air Conditioning
Required Full Meal Plan
Residential College


A 14-story campus landmark, Webb is USC’s tallest housing building, providing most residents spectacular views of the city or the campus. Each floor has just eight apartments, which fosters a tight-knit community on each. Its excellent location near the Lyon Recreation Center and across the street from USC Village and wide variety of floor plans, combine to explain why it is so popular with undergraduates.

There is a television lounge as well as a large laundry room on the first floor for all residents to utilize and enjoy.

Features & Amenities

Webb's location is excellent, directly on campus near the Lyon Recreational Center and Uytengsu Aquatic Center and close to classrooms.

All freshmen assigned to Webb Tower are required to have a full meal plan; other undergraduates assigned here have a mandatory partial meal plan. All meal plans can be used in all three residential dining halls on campus, including Everybody's Kitchen, Parkside Restaurant and the USC Village Dining Hall across Jefferson Boulevard, as well as many other USC Hospitality locations.

Housing Programs

Webb Tower is a part of the West Residential College.