Undergraduate Students
  • CAP EX 02
  • CAP In 01
Room information
Spaces Room Type Room Code Occupancy 2025-2026 Rate / Person
46 One-bedroom 1B2P Two-person $6,790/Semester
90 Two-bedroom 2B4P-SM Two-person $6,000/Semester
90 Two-bedroom 2B4P-LG Two-person $6,435/Semester
Spaces46Room TypeOne-bedroomRoom Code1B2POccupancyTwo-personRate / Person$6,790/Semester
Spaces90Room TypeTwo-bedroomRoom Code2B4P-SMOccupancyTwo-personRate / Person$6,000/Semester
Spaces90Room TypeTwo-bedroomRoom Code2B4P-LGOccupancyTwo-personRate / Person$6,435/Semester
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Floor Plan
USC offers a wide-variety of floor plans. This floor plan is typical, though the actual layout and dimensions will vary among buildings that share this plan. Where the exact plan for a room type was not available, the closest approximation was used. Some items shown are for decorative purposes and not included in the room or apartment.
Air Conditioning
Customer Service Center
Living Learning Community
Recreational Facilities
Required Partial Meal Plan
USC Bus Stop


Comprised of two large buildings surrounding a central open area with a lawn, pool and customer service center, Century is an excellent choice for upperclassmen looking for an apartment close to campus. It offers air conditioned one bedroom and two bedroom apartments, each with double occupancy bedrooms, meeting a variety of privacy and budget needs.

The two bedroom apartments have two room types in each unit, with the larger bedroom having slightly more floor space and a walk-in closet. To maximize the available living space, the furniture in Century’s bedrooms are lofted—each resident’s bed is raised over their dresser and desk.

Features & Amenities

Residents can enjoy a central recreation room with a pool table as well as two large flat screen TVs, lounge seating and vending machines. For outdoor fun, there is a swimming pool with barbecue area and a large grassy area.

Convenient to the Lyon Recreation Center, Century, is just across Jefferson from campus and a short walk away from USC Village. The complex has a Customer Service Center on site.

There is a required apartment meal plan for all residents that may be used at the USC Village residential dining hall as well as other Hospitality outlets.


Century has a large parking garage as well as three additional small outdoor lots; permits are available through USC Transportation. There is a USC bus stop on Orchard, on the east side of the building.

Housing Programs

Living Learning Community: Rainbow [RAIN].