  • BSR Crest
  • BSR Ex 031
  • BSR Ex 02
  • BSR IN 02a
  • BSR Pool 08x1
  • BSR IN Staged Room 33x1
  • BSR LBY 01x1
  • BSR IN 03
  • BSR LBY 03x1
  • BSR LBY 02x1
  • BSR Ex 011
Room information
Spaces Room Type Room Code Occupancy 2025-2026 Rate / Person
4 Single SGLE One person $8,345/semester
216 Double DBLE Two person $6,190/semester
39 Triple TRPL Three person $6,190/semester
Spaces4Room TypeSingleRoom CodeSGLEOccupancyOne personRate / Person$8,345/semester
Spaces216Room TypeDoubleRoom CodeDBLEOccupancyTwo personRate / Person$6,190/semester
Spaces39Room TypeTripleRoom CodeTRPLOccupancyThree personRate / Person$6,190/semester
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Floor Plan
USC offers a wide-variety of floor plans. This floor plan is typical, though the actual layout and dimensions will vary among buildings that share this plan. Where the exact plan for a room type was not available, the closest approximation was used. Some items shown are for decorative purposes and not included in the room or apartment.
Community Bathroom
Living Learning Community
Required Full Meal Plan
Residential College


This eight story campus landmark is a stylish and popular residential college. Birnkrant has seven floors of student housing, each divided into men’s and women’s sections.  Each floor has approximately 20 rooms, two large bathrooms (one for each gender) and a laundry room.  The triple rooms are especially spacious. Birnkrant's ground floor features a study area and a television lounge.

Features & Amenities

Birnkrant is conveniently located next to Leavey Library and is home to the popular Trojan Grounds coffeehouse, featuring Starbucks coffee. The "Everybody's Kitchen" dining hall is just steps away in neighboring New North Residential College.  It, as well as many other campus dining outlets, accept the full meal plan all residents are required to have.

A tabletop video game machine in the lobby offers a variety of classic games.

Housing Programs

The University’s smallest residential college, Birnkrant is known for its tight-knit community, commonly referred to as “7 Floors of Open Doors”.

Birnkrant is one of the few buildings that has a floor dedicated to Gender Inclusive Housing with a gender neutral bathroom.

Living Learning Communities: APIDA (Asian, Pacific Islander, Desi American) Leaders Community [APIDALC]. First-Generation Plus Community [FG+ LLC].

