Undergraduate Students
  • LAB Ex 03
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  • LAB Ex 02
  • LAB IN 08x1
Room information
Spaces Room Type Room Code Occupancy 2025-2026 Rate / Person
5 Studio STU1 One person $7,770/Semester
2 Small one-bedroom 1B2P-SM Two person $6,430/Semester
40 One-bedroom 1B2P Two person $6,790/Semester
2 Two-bedroom double 5PDBLE Two person $6,425/Semester
3 Two-bedroom triple 5PTRPL Three person $5,400/Semester
Spaces5Room TypeStudioRoom CodeSTU1OccupancyOne personRate / Person$7,770/Semester
Spaces2Room TypeSmall one-bedroomRoom Code1B2P-SMOccupancyTwo personRate / Person$6,430/Semester
Spaces40Room TypeOne-bedroomRoom Code1B2POccupancyTwo personRate / Person$6,790/Semester
Spaces2Room TypeTwo-bedroom doubleRoom Code5PDBLEOccupancyTwo personRate / Person$6,425/Semester
Spaces3Room TypeTwo-bedroom tripleRoom Code5PTRPLOccupancyThree personRate / Person$5,400/Semester
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Floor Plan
USC offers a wide-variety of floor plans. This floor plan is typical, though the actual layout and dimensions will vary among buildings that share this plan. Where the exact plan for a room type was not available, the closest approximation was used. Some items shown are for decorative purposes and not included in the room or apartment.
Air Conditioning
Required Partial Meal Plan
USC Bus Stop


La Sorbonne is a quiet apartment building just off Jefferson Boulevard, popular due to its varied floor plans and close proximity to campus. The three-story building (which does not have an elevator) features fully furnished studio and one-bedroom apartments and a two-bedroom, five-person apartment with two bathrooms. All apartments have living room air-conditioners, full kitchens, and newly remodeled bathrooms with water-saving fixtures.

Features & Amenities

The building's central courtyard features soft furniture surrounding a small turf area.

La Sorbonne is close to campus and just down the street from USC Village.

The area's CSC is located next door in Century Apartments.

Undergraduate residents will have a mandatory partial meal plan that can be used at USC Hospitality residential dining halls and other outlets.


A limited number of carport parking spaces are available.  There is a USC bus stop adjacent to the building on Orchard.