Where can I live?

Graduate student housing is in smaller off-campus apartment buildings. You can get a list of these facilities on our building search page.

How much USC Housing is available to upperclassmen and transfer students?

USC Housing has just under 7,000 undergraduate bed spaces in our inventory and prioritizes those spaces for new freshmen and rising sophomores. However, there are over 20,000 undergraduate students enrolled at USC — far more than we can house. The result is that 65% of undergraduate upperclass students live in non-university housing.

How much USC Housing is available to graduate and family applicants?

USC Housing has just under 1,500 graduate and family bed spaces in our inventory. However there are over 20,000 graduate students enrolled at USC — more than we can house. The result is that over 90% of USC graduate students live in non-university housing.

Where should I live?

Where you should live is very much a matter of personal choice. There isn’t an overall “best” housing facility. Look through the descriptions of freshman buildings and see which fit your personal preferences.

I am a __________ major. Should I live in a particular building?

In general, where you live has little to do with your major; there are no specific buildings associated with particular academic fields. As a freshman, your classes are likely to be spread around campus rather than concentrated in a specific location. The USC campus is relatively small and academic buildings are just a 10 or 15 minute walk from freshman housing.

What if I want to tour or see a building?

Since our housing facilities are used year-round, tours of living areas are not possible. Buildings will be pointed out during freshman orientations in the summer.  Please check out the individual pages for buildings you are interested in on this website for pictures, descriptions and floorplans.

I applied by May 1. Why didn’t I get my first housing choice?

May 1 is the application deadline for freshmen to be guaranteed a space in housing, but they are not guaranteed a particular space. Assignments are made based on application date, so those students who applied early, well before May 1, had the best chances to get their top preferences.

What about housing for next year?

Returning residents may apply for housing for the upcoming year through our USC Housing Renewal process (UHR). UHR takes place January through March each year. More information about next year’s UHR will be available in December.

I am admitted for Spring. When can I apply for housing?

Spring 2025 housing applications will be taken beginning July 1, 2024. Check here for more information on spring housing.

I am a transfer student. Am I guaranteed housing?

While USC Housing strives to offer university housing to as many transferring undergraduates as possible, our large returning student population and limited space prevents us from guaranteeing housing to transfers.

I applied for USC Housing Renewal but didn’t get a space during the General Lottery. What should I do?

You should sign up for the UHR Wait List. UHR participants on the Wait List will be offered housing during the spring and early summer as spaces become open. For more information on how the Wait List works check here.

When are my contract start and end dates?

Housing contract dates for graduate students are different than those of undergraduates.

  • Graduate Academic Year contracts (9 months) begin in early August and end in mid-May when the academic year closes,
  • Graduate Full Year contracts (12 months) begin in early August and end in late July.
  • All Family housing buildings are on Graduate Full Year contract (12 months), beginning in early August and ending in late July.
  • Contracts for Residents of the Law program in Terrace begin in early August  and end in mid-May, a few days later than the Academic Year contract term ends.
Is there a waitlist for housing?

No. Grads are assigned on a space available basis in the order their housing applications were received.

If USC Housing is not able to offer me an assignment, are there other resources for housing?

Yes.  USC Housing has partnered with Off-Campus Housing 101 to provide students with listings of available rentals from private landlords in the North University Park area, around the main campus.  All their listings are within the USC Department of Public Safety Patrol Zone and they offer customer support services to assist you with obtaining private rental housing

Where is Gender-Inclusive housing located?

Select apartments in Birnkrant, Cardinal Gardens and Century (Rainbow LCC) are designated for gender-inclusive housing.

How do I apply for Gender-Inclusive housing?

New housing applicants should check the gender-inclusive option in the special interest housing step of the online application.  Returning residents participating in UHR should request the Special Interest Housing category and check the gender-inclusive option.  A supplemental (written) application is also required.

Applications will be reviewed by the Division of Student Life, who will work with applicants regarding their housing needs.  If accepted, applicants will be provided with specific instructions regarding how to confirm their assignment.

Can I select my own roommates?

Yes, but your roommates must have requested, been selected for, and assigned to gender-inclusive housing.

Can I be assigned to a Gender-Inclusive space if I didn’t request it?

No.  Only applicants specifically requesting this housing will be assigned to these spaces.

Who may apply for Gender-Inclusive spaces?

Undergraduates of all class standings may request this housing. Spaces for freshmen will be limited and eligibility will be determined on a case by case basis.

I have additional questions about Gender-Inclusive housing. Where can I get answers?

Please contact the Office for Residential Education at (213) 740-2080.

If USC Housing is not able to offer me an assignment, are there other resources for housing?

Yes.  Currie Hall, which is located on the Health Science Campus, provides apartments for students attending classes there. Additionally USC Housing has partnered with Off-Campus Housing 101 to provide students with listings of available rentals from private landlords in the North University Park area and near the Health Sciences Campus.  All listings are within the USC Department of Public Safety Patrol Zone and they offer customer support services to assist you with obtaining private rental housing.